Quality of White Park beef was displayed in special lunch in Bournemouth restaurant

Michelin green star restaurant Terroir Tapas in Southbourne, Bournemouth, held a 7-course White Park beef lunch on Saturday 15 April 2023 to allow diners to experience the quality of this special meat.  The beef was served in various forms, such as smoked, braised and tartare, for 5 of the courses and was followed by 1 cheese course and 1 desert.

During the lunch Hogget and Boar butchery delivered a talk about the beef, which was sourced from a WPCS member’s farm, and let diner’s know about their high welfare practices which ensure that all their meat originates from grass-fed and free-range animals.

Afterwards, White Park Cattle Society President, Lawrence Alderson CBE, spoke about the history of White Park cattle and gave an overview of the breed.

You can read more about Terrior Tapas via their website.